Quality Education through Govt. schools.
Programme Background
Learning levels have been reported to be very low with 50 % children in grades II-V not being able to read grade I level books.
While there has been an overall improvement in schools infrastructure as a result of DPEP and SSA, problems pertaining to single teacher schools, inadequate classrooms, clean and hygienic toilets continue to influence educational outcomes.
About 29% classrooms are still in need of major repair and only 26% of government schools have separate girl’s toilets.
The main reasons for ‘out of school’ children are Ignorance of Guardian, Agriculture work, Care of siblings, Poor Economic status, Migration, Lack of Educational Facility , Grazing cattle, Non Friendly Environment etc.
The maximum dropout rate among children belonging to OBC is in the age group of 6-11 i.e, 1638: 1465 (girls: boys). Literacy rate of male is 80.51 & female 52.66.
To address the mentioned issues, organisation developed, implemented and monitored the project in consultation and with support from donor agency, community members, duty bearers and PRI members.
Following activities were undertaken in villages of project area to enhance knowledge, change attitude & promote the child friendly environment in schools like motivating parents to ensure their children graduate to next classes, training of SMC to undertake monitoring of school activities, Campaign to educate community members to enroll children in AWC & ensuring enrollment of out of school children into mainstream etc.
Block Lunkaransar and Chattargarh Dist. Bikaner and Block Sardarshahar Dist. Churu.

b) Capacity building meeting of SHG groups(i) understanding the importance of protection; (ii) providing an environment that is safe from physical and emotional harm for chilfren and (iii) home based care).
c) Demonstration meeting of parents and children in the AWC
d) Gram Panchyat meeting on monitoting of Pre school education at AWC’s.
e) Support AWW in undertaking growth monitoring of children at AWC, camps etc.
f) Joint visit of LS, CDPO & PU staff to AWCs.
g) Training of AWWs on ECE/ECD;Child Protection & Developing Local Material by using learnings from other best models available
h) Meeting of Asha shyogini on early child protection and holestic development like-health, nutrition, breastfeeding
i) Exposure visit of AWW to Model ICDS centres at Lunkaransar.
j) ICDS sector meeting of AWW, ASHA, LS & PU staff
k) Meeting of Mothers Group on Monitoring of the ECE/ EcdCentersto ensureenrollment& retention of 3-6 age group children in project ares their records are maintained & updated.
l) Preparation of TLM for pre schools education.
m) Formation and strengthening of parenting groups.
b) 22 schools were upgraded & 11 schools have been sanctioned in the reporting period through continuous advocacy by SMC, PRI & CBO ensuring continuity of education for children.
c) Formation & building capacity of children group & SMCs has helped in improving the quality of education & promoting child friendly environment in 110 schools of project area. Provision of complaint/suggestion boxes in 110 schools.
d) Enrolment drives have been organized in 62 villages. As a result 445 out of school children have been mainstreamed, while 1145 eligible children, inclusive of 595 girls have been enrolled in 1st grade.
e) Consultation with 3219 parents, whose children were at the last class of their schools was organized as a result continuation of education of approx. 3164 children could be ensured. Out these 3219 children 2674 were of grade 5th, while 545 were those children who were at grade 8th in their schools.
f) 565 out of schools girls were enrolled in residential school campus organized by Urmul-Plan. Out of these 459 successfully completed 10th & 12th grade examination conducted by Rajasthan Board of Secondary education.
g) 932 teachers have been trained and supported on CCE based classroom practices. This has resulted in better learning levels and retention of approx. 23000 students. As per study conducted by SSA-Urmul-Plan team 50% children are at grade appropriate learning levels, enrolment rate is 90% while retention rate is almost 100% during the academic year.
h) Formation & strengthening of 110 School Management Committees, which comprises of 1650 community members, inclusive of approx. 700 women and 110 children.
i) 51 schools have been upgraded to secondary & sr. secondary level, while 11 new schools have been sanctioned.
j) Children are effectively using Suggestion-cum-Complaint boxes installed in 110 schools, SMC & school administration are responding to children views. During the year in 9 schools children have reported incidences of corporal punishment.
k) Out of 83 PS & UPS in Project area, 63 have declared themselves violence free, during the year 23 schools have declared themselves violence free, which means no corporal punishment is being practiced in these schools.
l) Children’s groups are functional in 50 schools while MeenaManch has been formed in all the 83 PS & UPS of project area.
m) 70% schools with playground facilities are being used effectively to promote physical and sports activities.
n) Usage of library has been ensured in all the 110 schools in project villages.
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