Protection of children from abuse & exploitation

Protection of children from abuse & exploitation

Programme Background

The frequency of drought affects children’s development, their security, health, and education. Society in this region is highly patriarchal, directly affecting the girl child. The sex ratio at birth in some areas is just 20 females to 100 males. The average age of marriage for girls is still 15 years with 48% of girls getting married before 18. Incidents of early pregnancies such as delivering a child at 15 years are frequent. These incidents result in high maternal and child mortality rates apart from other dangers to health. Often, lower caste girls are oppressed by the higher castes and become victims of sexual assault and other atrocities. Because of caste politics and traditional mechanisms, such cases are never reported. A baseline study reports only 1% mothers acknowledged that their children aged 0-18 years were subjected to physical punishment in the last three months, though children have reported corporal punishment in schools and at home as being very frequent• and that only 3% mothers know where to report incidents of violence. The project area has reported only 4% birth registration. A Vulnerability Study commissioned by Save the Children Finland in 2006 highlighted that in 22 project villages, 17% of children are smokers, 28% of children are addicted to tobacco and 7% drink alcohol.
To address the mentioned issues, organisation developed, implemented and monitored the project in consultation and with support from donor agency, community members, duty bearers and PRI members.



Block Lunkaransar and Chattargarh Dist. Bikaner and Block Sardarshahar Dist. Churu.


a)Staff Capacity building on violence against children.
b) Training of members of children clubs on corporal punishment, abuse, exploitation, Child Marriage & child labour issues.
c) Meeting of Bal manch federation to develop CPP & code of conduct of Bal munch.
d) Theatre workshop of Bal manchon complain Box, Higher education, Violence agents children, Girls in School & Complete Secondary education.
e) Developing and distributing IEC material on Child protection issues.
f) Printing and distribution of booklet on protection issues.
g) Training of SMC member on Corporal punishment, out of school children & discrimination in Schools.
h) Develop reporting & redressal systems in schools. Making complain & suggestion box functioning.
i) Training of AWW on Child friendly techniques
j) School level Interface meeting of children with school teachers on corporal punishment, abuse & violence.
k) Organizing interface meeting between CPC &govt officials, parents, community leaders, youth & CC’s at panchayat level
l) Village Level Training of CBO (SHG, SMC & youth member) on Child Protection & child right Issues and Prepare code of Conduct.
m) Meeting with children & community members to review child protection guideline.
n) Workshop with CPC on identifying CP issues & develop future strategy.
o) Capacity building of Panchayat level ICPS structures( CPC’s)


108 Child Protection Committees – 72 village level CPCs & 36 Gram Panchayat Level CPCs have been formed having members from children group, ANM, AWW, teachers, SMC, & PRI etc. CPCs have been oriented on protection issues & informed on JJ act, CLPRA, POCSO, PCMA& ICPS. Provision of complaint-cum-suggestion boxes in 110 schools has helped resolve issues raised by children. Focus is been given on ensuring accountability of stakeholders & CPC members.

Village level CBOs like SHG & SMC and other groups have developed their own set of code of conduct to promote safer environment for children by making resolutions not marrying off their children or sending them to labour work at early age, giving equal opportunity to son & daughters etc. They also decided to take suitable action against members found not obeying the norms. Members of SMC are observed taking active part in school monitoring ensuring quality education to school children. After receiving trainings on protection issues, AWWs are observed to be now more considerate and have started taking extra care of children at ICDS centres.

Moreover, capacity building of 177 children clubs (1577 boys & 2134 girls) has been done to enabling them identify & report protection issues with appropriate persons/authorities on time. They have also been taught on how to protect themselves in case of any emergency situation.

As a result, during the year 34 cases of child marriages, rehabilitation of 68 child labours and 9 cases of corporal punishment have been addressed with support from children groups, CPC, SMC & police dept.


Despite my wish to pursue education, I had to work as labour on my father’s insistence to support family income. I shared my intention with members of child protection committee (CPC) of my village who after several visits to my house were finally able to convince my parents to allow me to attend school & pursue my education. I am currently studying in 10th grade & have no words to express my thanks to members of CPC.”

MaluRam , 17 years.

Urmul/Plan staff provided us opportunity to visit village child care centre to understand & assess its working. We saw the records of enrolled children, nutritional supplement & learnt about the entitlement of children. We now know what to look for during monitoring visits. We shared the learning with our parents & friends.

Raju, member of children club.






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